about us

Since 1985, Al OSSUS INt. CO. formerly named Khyrat’ana for general constructions registration No#128 (Classification Class A) has grown into one of the national wide leading firms in the construction industry. Our founding philosophy is built upon exceptional client service and our approach to this belief is unified throughout our organization. We have evolved into a company that is comprised of many components, each capable of independent performance but proven much more valuable as a single source to which a variety of clients can turn for proven results. In turn, we have achieved a definite advantage that will provide more opportunities to grow and prosper as a company. AL OSSUS leadership in the technology arena, technical experience, construction abilities, financial strength, commitment to safety, innovative approaches, and unyielding dedication to quality, has been perfected over 34 years. AL OSSUS has built an empire and has become a leader in many diversified markets such as engineering, construction.


To become a successful Lead construction company in the country to bend the cost curve while improving quality.


 To provide innovative engineering solutions predicated on quality and ensure continuous quality improvement for our customer and strong business ethics. 

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